Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29-September 2

  • We will address Study Skills and Best Practices and Present Study Skills Student -Teaching Presentations
  • We will review key terms.  The Summative Assessment will be on Friday
***Students are to write their daily reflection****


  • We will discuss the Academies offered at Pebblebrook
  • Students will complete a review and reflection about the Academies

  • Key terms Formative assessment today
***Students are to write their daily reflection****

Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 22-26


  • We are working on and practicing for our Career Choice Fashion Show:  Students will present a professional image through role-play, behavior, and language.  The show is tomorrow.  students are expected to address the following Standards during the show:  

  • Present a responsible image through appearance, behavior, and language.
  • Express personal awareness and knowledge of multiple intelligences and learning styles as a foundation to self-advocate for student learning and engagement.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how individual characteristics relate to achieving personal, social, educational, and career goals.
***Students are to write their daily reflection****

  • Today is the Career Choice Fashion Show.  Students are expected to address the following Standards during the show:  
  • Present a responsible image through appearance, behavior, and language.
  • Express personal awareness and knowledge of multiple intelligences and learning styles as a foundation to self-advocate for student learning and engagement.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how individual characteristics relate to achieving personal, social, educational, and career goals.
***Students are to write their daily reflection****
  • We will address Study Skills and Best Practices
  • We will review key terms.  The Summative Assessment will be on Friday
***Students are to write their daily reflection****

  • Key terms Formative assessment today
***Students are to write their daily reflection****

Friday, August 12, 2016

August 15-19


  • Students will continue with speeches on career choices based off their passion.  Students were to incorporate key terms related to professionalism.
  • Students will write their daily reflection

  • Our focus will be on Expressing talent.  Students will have one to three minutes to express or discuss a talent.  Participation is expected.  For some, it is about discovering talent and/or conquering fear and shyness.
  • Students will write their daily reflection

  • Career Choice Fashion Show:  Students will present a responsible image through appearance, behavior, and language.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Department:  CTAE                                                                                                             FY: 2016-17
COURSE TITLE: Freshmen Seminar                                             INSTRUCTOR: Melanie Garland Law                                                   PHONE: 770-819-2521 Ext. 1701

PHS SCHOOL VISION: Empowering Students to Become Productive Members of a Global Community
PHS SCHOOL MISSION: Modeling and Developing Intellectual, Physical and Emotional Behaviors that Lead to Success for All
·        Increase the Graduation Rate
·        Increase rigor and student engagement (Project-based learning environment)
·        Increase community and parental involvement


This course is designed to provide support for students as they transition from the middle school to high school environment.  Goal setting, study skills, self-advocacy, technology skills, standards of interpersonal interaction, career guidance, and Academy options establish the primary elements of this course.  Emphasis will be placed on developing organization, communication, goal setting, and essential tools for 21st century learning.  Students will work with guidance counselors to discuss how to read a transcript, explore possible careers, determine learning styles, and evaluate grades in Synergy.


FS-1:  Demonstrate high school readiness skills required for success in The Academies of Pebblebrook High School.
FS-2: Understand the influence of a positive self-concept on educational achievement, career planning, and interpersonal interactions.
FS-3:  Use appropriate oral, written, and digital communication skills to create, express, and interpret information and ideas.
FS-4:  Apply technology as a tool to increase 21st century skills, while maintaining respectful and responsible personal and online behaviors.
FS-5:  Master software to create, edit, and publish appropriate high school and college level word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation documents.

GRADING POLICY:                                                          

1. Class work:  Foundations, College & Career Exploration ……………..……………...25%
2. Performance Assessments:  Projects, Presentations, Team Building, Technology …..30%
3. Tests/Quizzes:  Critical Thinking & Problem Solving……............................................20%
4. Common Assessment……….……………………………………………………….…..5% 
5. Final Exam…………………..…………………………………………………….……20%


A - 100-90%
B - 89-80%
C - 79-74%
D – 70-73%
F - 69-Below


Required/Supplemental/Parallel Texts for the Course: N/A

You will be creating and keeping up with an interactive notebook this semester, which is essentially a personalized textbook and interactive journal that allows you to store and process all class information in one place (a spiral notebook which you will be required to purchase). You will be required to supply your spiral notebook and some supplies, and the notebooks will be created, maintained, and stored in the classroom. Notebook checks will be frequent and may be announced or unannounced. They will account for a major portion of your grade in the writing and language categories.  This is required for all Ninth Grade students in all content courses.  

1.         Spiral Notebook for the Interactive Notebook component. (8 ½ x 11)
2.         College-ruled Notebook paper for assignments to be turned in outside of the Interactive Notebook
3.         Pens and pencils
4.         Colored pencils, markers, highlighters, or crayons (suggested)
5.         Glue stick or tape (suggested)
6.         Index cards (suggested)
7.         Flash-drive (suggested)

Hand sanitizer
Printer Paper
Colored Pencils
Construction Paper
Notebook Paper
Be respectful of everyone and everything in the classroom.
-  Be present, be prepared and organized, and be positive.
-  Be Prompt
-  Be accountable and responsible
-  Be self-regulated learners. 
-  Fulfill duties as assigned. Adhere to course standards.  Ask questions if not sure. 
It is my expectation that this class is a place of business and learning. You are required to treat your teacher(s), peers, and materials with respect at all times. You are required to comply with school rules at all times. You are required to follow directions at all times and correct your behavior immediately if there is an issue. Consequences for failure to comply with these expectations may include a warning, student/teacher conference, detention, parent contact, and referral to administration.


It is strongly encouraged that you keep your Synergy login information in a safe place and that you have access to the information when needed.  Parents should contact the Main Office (770.819.2521).

Please note that when you are viewing grades in Synergy that a blank grade column for your child has no effect on their grade.  If the space is blank, then your student may not have turned in that assignment due to absence or the teacher may not have entered grades for that assignment at that time.  An “X” means that the student is exempt from an assignment at the discretion of the teacher.

Homework/Class Work Requirements: 
·        Classwork is student-centered and engaging.  Participation is expected in order to receive the best understanding of content application.  
·        Students are expected to adhere to assignments due dates

  • Some of the learning that takes place in this class will be student-driven and project based.  True learning takes place when students solve problems and discover things on their own.  I will not stand in front of the class and simply tell you what you need to know. 
  • Some projects will be individual, but many will require you to work in a small group.  Generally groups will initially be two people but if students prove that they are able to work well in larger groups, I will allow it. 
  • While I understand that some people prefer to work alone, working with others is an essential skill that is needed to be successful as an adult.  If you are one of these people, please speak with me in private and I will attempt to group you with other students in which you will be compatible.

Tests and Quizzes: 
  • The majority of the tests and quizzes I give are multiple choice and short answer.  However, all tests can include a combination of any of the following: multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, graphs, charts, and map questions.
  • Quizzes will be scheduled in advance, but the teacher reserves the right to give pop quizzes. If participation in class is low, students are not able to participate in class discussions with reasonable intelligence of the material, and/or did not complete the homework, a pop quiz may be given. Quizzes will cover the readings that the student is to have completed, class activities, and any notes given in class lecture (normally only a week’s worth of material).

Students with no more than one excused absence may qualify to exempt one of their final exams.  Students with a course average of 80 or higher may exempt one final exam of their choice.  Students with a course average of 79 or below may request that ten percentage points be added to the final exam grade.  Towards the end of the semester, students who qualify may submit an Exam Exemption Form to the classroom teacher of their choice.  Teachers must verify that the student qualifies for the exemption.

LATE WORK POLICY: Any late work will receive a highest possible grade of a 70 if turned in after the assignment is due.  The student will have until the unit test to turn in late work and will receive a highest possible grade of 70.  No work will be graded after the Unit Test.

ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP POLICY: If a student receives and excused absence he or she will be able to make up the work in class that was done for the day.  Each class has a rolling folder activity spot on the back wall.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain their work from the wall and complete and return in a timely manner.  The student has up to the amount of excused absences plus one day to complete any missing work.  After that point the work will be considered late and will be graded as such.

To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class when the bell rings.  School policy states that students may receive detention, In-School Suspension, and Out-of-School Suspension for repeated tardies. 

Students can come in after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:45-4:30.  Please make sure you sign-up if you are planning on coming to tutoring during any of these time.


As per the school’s policy, cell phones are not to be used during class time unless directed by the teacher for instructional purposes. Students will receive a discipline referral after one warning to put away any electronic device (unless the device is being used for instruction). Students are allowed to bring certain technologies to class (iPad, laptop, Kindle, etc.), but it should NOT interfere with the teaching or other’s learning.

GRADE RECOVERY: Students who score 69 or below on any unit assessment are allowed to retake the assessment.  The grade will not exceed a 70 for the unit assessment.  The retake must be completed with-in one week. Please view the teacher’s blog for notification when the assessment will be administered.

Cheating is considered a serious matter.  Any student who is involved in cheating/plagiarism will receive a grade of zero on the material, an unsatisfactory in conduct, and his/her parents will be notified.

For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:

  • Copying anyone's answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work or homework assignments
  • Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism.
  • Looking onto another student's paper during a test or quiz.
  • Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.
  • Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.



Student’s Name ____________________________ Signature _________________________________
Parent’s Name _____________________________ Signature _________________________________
Parent’s Contact Info. (Home Phone) _________________________
(Cell Phone) ______________________________E-mail____________________________________

Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 8-12

We will begin our first unit/Module 1- Passion/Career/The Academies  
  • Go over key terms pre-assessment
  • due August 8th, back to school essay using key words, topi:  How will you successfully pass this course.  Also due, " All About Me"
  • We will discuss each student's passion, and career choices

  • We will discuss developing a career plan
  • We will go over the Academies offered at Pebblebrook
  • We will address Standard FS-1:  Demonstrate high school readiness skills required for success in The Academies of Pebblebrook High School.

  •        Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, reading, and interpersonal abilities.

  • Formative assessment on writing, speaking, listening, reading, and interpersonal abilities.