Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 5-19

  • Students will be introduced to PBL/Leadership Challenge:  The class will be split into 4 groups.  Each group will have a 1)student-teacher/leader, 2)an assistant/recorder, and 3)members/peers.  Each group over the next three weeks will be assessed as mini classes.  The classroom teacher will provide a class framework and lesson topics.  The teacher will be looking for student-teachers with their class to develop mini lessons displaying model student high school traits, skills learned throughout course, organization including attendance and on task behavior, initiative/proactive traits, relevant content that reflects Freshmen Seminar, etc.  The project begins Monday, December 5 and ends Monday December 19th.

(Can be used as a “course extension” type assignment.  Those who are currently , who complete and passes the PBL, overall grade will become 70%.  Those who are passing can earn up to 10 points on their overall grade.  Students will be monitored daily and receive a weekly average.  The three individual weekly averages will be average together to determine final PBL grade.  So, if a student who is already passing average 75% on the PBL, they will receive 7.5 points on their overall grade.)

  • Students will also continue to work on Final Performance Exam:  UNL presentations demonstrating skills learned in course and "expressions" within the PBL discussed above

    • Semester Blog Assignment

    As a part of your Final for this class, you are responsible for creating a blog that summarizes everything we’ve covered this semester. You can use Blogger, WordPress, or any other approved blog sites. Your blog must contain the following sections/information:
    1.      Character/High School Readiness Traits
    2.      Social Media Etiquette
    3.      Propaganda/Persuasive Techniques
    4.      The Academies/Career-Discuss the academy and career you selected (Creative Studies or Global Services).
    5.      Usher’s New Look-Discuss something you learned or can take away from Mr. Brandon’s (Tuesday) lessons.

    Each Section must contain an artifact and one paragraph written response:
    The artifact must be creative enough to represent each section. (You should do more than just copy the definitions)
    ·        PowerPoint
    ·        Picture (Photo)/Drawing (Quality work that is displayed in the class)
    ·        Video

    One paragraph written response:
    ·        Description of the artifact
    ·        Explanation of why you chose that artifact
    ·        How you can apply it to your life next semester/school year

    November 28- Dec 2

    Students will work on:

    • Class group projects: create a promotional video displaying and promoting the traits of Freshmen Seminar
    • Final Performance Exam:  UNL presentations demonstrating skills learned in course and "expressions"
    Students will work on:

    • Course skills chants and expressions
    • Students will be introduced to PBL/Leadership Challenge:  The class will be split into 4 groups.  Each group will have a 1)student-teacher/leader, 2)an assistant/recorder, and 3)members/peers.  Each group over the next three weeks will be assessed as mini classes.  The classroom teacher will be looking for student-teachers with their class to develop mini lessons displaying model student high school traits, skills learned throuought course, organization including attendance and on task behavior, initiative/proactive traits, relevant content that reflects Freshmen Seminar, etc.  The project begins Monday, December 5 and ends Monday December 19th.

    Tuesday, November 15, 2016

    Nov 14-18

    Monday-Wednesday Friday, we will specifically focus on defining high School traits that lead to success.
    • Students will set short-term and long term-goals and develop a game plan to accomplish those goals
    • Students will reflect on the outcomes 1) if they stick to their game plan and 2) if they do not.
    • Student will develop scenarios/skits based off of their reflections, demonstrating the outcomes of setting goals, not setting goals, making good and poor choices.

    Monday, October 24, 2016

    October 24-28

    This week we will continue unit Problem-Solving/High School Traits/Goal Setting. 

    Monday-Wednesday Friday, we will specifically focus on problem-solving.  
    • Students will get into groups.  Each group will develop five scenarios addressing issues teens commonly face.  
    • They are to come up with positive and negative options for solutions.
    • They will summarize the outcomes of making positive or negative choices.
    Thursday we will discuss common high school traits observed in students who is considered successful, well-rounded, on track to graduate and those who have fluently moved on post-high school.

    Monday, October 17, 2016

    October 17-21

    This week we begin a new unit Problem-Solving/High School Traits/Goal Setting. 

    Monday-Friday, we will specifically focus on problem-solving.  
    • Students will get into groups.  Each group will develop five scenarios addressing issues teens commonly face.  
    • They are to come up with positive and negative options for solutions.
    • They will summarize the outcomes of making positive or negative choices.
    Students will brain storm within their groups on Monday.  
    Students will practice role-playing out scenarios on Tuesday.
    Students will present scenarios and discuss outcomes of choices made in scenarios Wednesday-Friday.

    Monday, October 10, 2016

    October 10-14

    This week, student will collaborate with a partner to present an instructional lesson on how to use a particular online application for education.
    • There cannot not be any duplicate presentations discussing the same app. Students will sign up.  If a app has been chosen, they must select another to present.
    • Students are to instruct the class and provide a demonstration on how to sign up for the app and how to use the app as a host.
    • The class will go through the instructions provided by the presenters to determine if the instructions are efficient.  Part of the assessment is to see actual results.
    Students are to piece their instructional presentations together on Monday and Tuesday.  Presentations will begin on Wednesday and be completed by Friday.

    October 3-7

    This week students will present their Marketing Mix "3-minute pitch," promoting themselves as a student:
    • Students will say what grade they think they deserve based on what type of efforts they put in as a student
    • They will provide the name of the course and it's purpose
    • Students will discuss learning objectives of topics taught thus far
    • Students will discuss their behavior and how it factors into the grade they feel they deserve and they will address if their behavior is in alignment with their academic goals.